The H Upmann Magnum 50 is a Cuban classic. Its clean-cut burn and rich flavor profile make for a fulfilling smoking experience. Anyone can enjoy this cigar. It produces intense tastes and creamy smoke from beginning to end.
H Upmann Magnum 50 Overview
The H Upmann Magnum 50 has quickly become the touchstone cigar within the Magnum series. At a lengthy 6½” this cigar is stuffed with Vuelta Abajo tobacco. Its hand-wrapped exterior is velvety and veiny, with a rich chrome and brown color.
This Double Robusto has a ring gauge of 50, making it the thickest model in the Magnum range.
Smoking an H Upmann Magnum 50
The Magnum 50 looks like the classic Cuban, with its densely-stuffed tobacco leaves and rich, lightly bronzed color. Hefty tobacco undertones mix with sweetness and wheat layers. Toward the end, you’ll get a bite of citrus, mixed with spice.
The first third gives off a massive, earthy flavor, before moving into a more fruity middle third, and finishing up with hints of birch and oak. Creamy and satisfying throughout, the Magnum 50 provides an even draw and gives off a characterful, almond-tinged smoke. The end of the draw is particularly long and this satisfying finish is part of the big appeal.
Cigar Value
This cigar will improve with age. Smoke a couple when the box arrives and then allow the rest to sit in your humidor.
H Upmann Magnum 50 Experience
The Magnum 50 can provide a rich and satisfying performance for both beginners and enthusiasts alike. However, beginners beware. Without a good humidor and some patient aging you won’t get the full experience.
Its flavor profile isn’t particularly complex or nuanced, but the smoking experience is consistently first-class.
Cigars | |
Factory Name | Double Robustos |
Popular Name | Double Robusto |
Ring Gauge | 50 |
Cigar Length | 160 mm / 6.3 inches |
Cigar Diameter | 19.84 mm |
Cigar Strength | Medium |
Package Code | SLB-VW-GPSR-M-n-25 |
Habanos Code | 10.9113.11.0550 |
Box Code | *** |
Origin | Cuba |